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Marketing Promotion Plan

Thinking about a marketing promotion plan to grow your business? 

Are you having sleepless nights thinking about your upcoming marketing promotion or event? 

Make your marketing promotion plan in just 5 minutes by following these 5 simple steps. You need to ensure that your next marketing promotion is well-planned and achieves the desired RESULTS. 

1. WHO 

First, identify WHO are your A-Grade Customers. 

They are also known as "The Awesome Customer". 

How do they behave? 

They are your advocates and they also do the selling for you by referring and recommending other people to you! 

In other words, they are your RAVING FANS! 

Of course, they make you more profit compared to the other types of customers and you never have to spend too much money on marketing to them. 

Another way of identifying your A-grade customers is by looking at your top 20% of customers who generate 80% of your sales. 

Once you have decided, then make them your target market for this campaign. 


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After you have identified your target market, ask yourself…WHERE can you find them in the highest concentration? 

Remember…birds of the same feather, flock together. 

Do they stay in the same geographic area? 

Do they belong to the same association? 

Are they members of the same club? 

Do they subscribe to the same magazine? 

In other words, find something similar about your target market so that your task of marketing to them is highly leveraged. 

3. WHAT 

Now start thinking about WHAT can you OFFER this target market that will make them take the first step. 

The offer must be exciting to them. 

Stop making discounts as your offer. 

Instead, add value. 

Give them something EXTRA that you can offer, preferably FREE, for taking the first step. 

What is the first step? 

It might be to call you, visit your website come to your store etc, etc. 

You must be CLEAR about the first step that your target market must take and the reward for them for making it. 

4. WHY 

Define clearly the benefits that your target market will receive when they buy from you. 

The reason WHY they should buy from you must be clear to them. 

Make sure you’re tuned in to their WII-FM, i.e. What’s In It For Me station. 

People make buying decisions because of emotion. 

So tune in to the emotional reasons of your prospects and they will respond. 

5. HOW 

Last but not least, you can start thinking about the best way to reach out and communicate to your target market using the medium that will connect you to them. 

Go back to Step 2 (WHERE) and plan the most leveraged way of making sure your target market is COMMUNICATED and EDUCATED about you and your products. 

Good luck with your next marketing campaign!

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